Langa del Sole and Servaj Festival, the festival dedicated to the Langhe wilderness, launch the Photo Contest dedicated to the deep Langa! From August 1st to September 13th, immerse yourself in the landscapes of the Alta Langa and post photos of your “wild nature” on Instagram.
Discover and photograph wild nature. It is that of the Alta Langa, the deep Langa, the other Langa. Out of the usual routes, from familiar places, from known landscapes. Here dominates the unpredictable, the uncontaminated, the authentic: this is the Alta Langa, this is its nature.
And your nature?
Enter the woods, explore the untouched territories inhabited by native animals and plants, immerse yourself in the landscape and find your servant side. Now take your camera in your hands and … capture the essence of your Alta Langa!
From August 1st until midnight on September 13th, you can take part in the Photo Contest of the Langa del Sole. Take a photo and post it on Instagram using the #servajfestival and #langadelsole hashtags.
The most beautiful images will be selected, printed and exhibited during the Servaj Festival, the most “wild” festival in the Langhe, scheduled for 26 and 28 September 2019 at the Spianamento di San Sebastiano, in Diano d’Alba.
Take part in the Photo Contest of the Langa del Sole
and connect to your wild side!

Post a cura della Redazione di Langa del Sole