SERVAJ FESTIVAL, Langa ën creusa
26-28 September 2019
Diano d’Alba, Spianamento di San Sebastiano
Langa del Sole is celebrating the deep Langa in a jam-packed two-day affair in Diano d’Alba, at the charming estate of Spianamento di San Sebastiano.
From Thursday 26th of September to Saturday 28th of September Diano d’Alba will be hosting the first edition of Servaj Festival, two days of activities and events featuring the culture and traditions of the deep Langa – that Langa ën creusa of uncontaminated and uncharted territories, impenetrable, whose landscape is still able to identify with the “untamed” and genuine part of our nature.
Servaj Festival, organized and promoted by the local development project Langa del Sole and funded by Fondazione CRC, will be held in a location of exceptional beauty: a 16th-century convent structure subsequently turned into a splendid rural building in the 18th century, the Spianamento di San Sebastiano, which a meticulous renovation is bringing back to its ancient splendor – a true window overlooking the deep Langa, where solemnness and romance come together in a never-ending dialogue between nature and rural excellence.
On Thursday 26th of September, Servaj Festival will be the first chance to closely admire the Spianamento di San Sebastiano (still closed to the public) in the course of Modelli di turismo per la Langa del Sole (Tourism models for Langa del Sole, at 9:30am), during which the results of the project Langa del Sole will be shown, as well as the national and international cases in which the rediscovery of the “wild” has been the driving force for a new local, touristic, business and cultural development, starting from the concept of “wilderness”. The Order of journalists has acknowledged the importance of this convention and it will allot 4 credits to journalists who will participate. Registration is already open online on the Sigef platform.
From morning until late in the afternoon, students from local schools can be present at the instructive exhibitions of falconry and sheep dog, or shepherd dogs. At 2pm, a meeting will be held on the project A cavallo nella Langa ën creusa (Horse riding in the Langa ën creusa), dedicated to the development of equestrian tourism and bridleways in the High Langa. The meeting is open to all workers of the tourism sector.
On Saturday 28th of September, Servaj Festival will really get going. The protagonist will be the horse, the chosen means of transportation to discover the woods and the rugged paths of the High Langa in a slow and authentic manner.
There are 3 horseback activities:
- A guided one whole day trip in the woods, riding your own horse or one provided by the participating riding schools
- An itinerary of an hour and a half along the panoramic trails by the edges of the vineyards in Diano d’Alba (horses will be provided)
- A saddle “baptism” for those without any horse riding experience and for kids: a ride along the streets of Diano d’Alba on strapped hunting horses, with the aid of an instructor.
Reservations are required in order to participate in the various horse riding activities. Bookings can be placed starting on September by visiting For more information, email us at
The untamed beauty of langhetta environment can also be enjoyed through a long walking itinerary, just like the one planned in the afternoon, sponsored by Terre Alte. For more information, please contact 339-6575703.
At 12nn, The Horseman’s Lunch is open to everybody. Fernanda Giamello and Langhe’s chisinere (cooks) will be preparing a typical lunch feast: vitello tonnato (veal with tuna sauce), hand-stretched lasagna, wine-braised meat and artisanal baci di dama (traditional Piedmontese biscuits). The same menu will be available for dinner starting at 7pm, to which other dishes could be added: the Piedmontese tartrà (a typical Piedmontese appetizer), ravioli stuffed with riso e coj (rice and cabbage) and the traditional bunet (pudding) with chocolate and biscuits.
In the afternoon, the Spianamento di San Sebastiano will ring out music and dances from the Renaissance. Renaissance music derives from festive music, meant for celebrations and gatherings.
Servaj Festival’s music show will begin at 5:30pm starting with a performance by Antica Liuteria Sangineto that specialized in the rediscovery and appraisal of Italian folk music of medieval and renaissance influence, playing musical instruments accurately pieced together with the help of renaissance paintings. At 6:30pm, there will be a renaissance choral singing concert by Famijia Albeisa directed by Giordano Ricci. At 8pm, folk and Occitan music will be played by Lyrandanz and the QuBa libre trio, accompanied by a chorus of folk dances.
For the duration of Servaj Festival, you can visit Langa del Sole’s photo exhibition, which will display photos of the communities inhabiting the High Langa: schools, instagramers and photographers can join the Photo Contest through which the exhibit photos will be selected. Lastly, only on the 28th of September, there will be an exhibit of antique instruments courtesy of the Antica Liuteria Sangineto: harps, lutes, arched psalteries, claviharps and hurdy-gurdies, accurately restored by maestro Michele Sangineto, with the collaboration of experts in Italian musical paleography.
Starting on the 1st of August until the 13th of September at midnight, everybody can join Langa del Sole’s photo contest. You would only need to dive in the extraordinary scenery of the High Langa, take a picture and post it on Instagram using the hashtags #servajfestival and #langadelsole. The winning photos will be chosen from those that will be sent in, and they will be printed and displayed at the Galleria del Palazzo di San Sebastiano in Diano d’Alba for the duration of the Festival.

Post a cura della Redazione di Langa del Sole