Following the example of other Langhe municipalities, the small town of Castino will also set up an information point for the “Langa del Sole” inter-municipal initiative
The project will be named “Inforama Langa Profondo di San Martino” and is part of the Rural Development Program 2014-2020, approved in February 2019 by the Administration of the country (read our post dedicated to the Langa del Sole and the INFORAMA project DIORAMA)
For the realization of the INFORAMA it was assumed a total expenditure commitment of about 75,000 euros, as explained by the first citizen Enrico Paroldo: «Initially the building chosen to be used as the info-point had to be the Benedictine monastery, but since the Curia did not send the necessary contributions, we finally opted for the former restaurant located at the intersection of Via XX Settembre and Via Marte, donated to the Municipality. We are confident of obtaining the funding to carry out the restoration and subsequent requalification.
>>> Find out more about the village of Castino

Post a cura della Redazione di Langa del Sole