The highest part of the Langa has well-marked and well-kept paths: a real gift for curious hikers.
This is the Deserta Langarum trail, created by the homonymous association of Torresina, a small village located in the innermost and deepest part of the Langhe, the one that – just to be clear – slopes down towards Ceva, after the town of Bossolasco, and, from there on, rises slowly in the direction of the Ligurian Alps to the west and in the Apennines towards the sea. A Langa with a wild and primitive charm, where pastures and stone farmhouses are the mere signs of human presence that, for the most part, lets the forest rule the environment.
The paths stretch between Torresina and Igliano, Paroldo and Roascio: easy circular routes that allow you to discover one of the deepest and most uninhabited areas of the Langhe on horseback, by mountain bike or on foot.
The Deserta Langarum trails – as well as the Association – are named after a historical event. When, in 970, Emperor Otto I found himself passing through these territories, he had no doubts about how to describe them:
Transivimus per deserta langarum et reliquimus ea, sine tributo
«We passed through the deserted places of the Langhe», said the emperor, «and we left without collecting any taxes». This is interesting for at least two reasons: because these places are described as deserted lands, meaning that there was no significant human presence; and also, extremely poor, because the few settlements have not been taxed by the imperial passage, which had the explicit purpose of asking for tribute to reaffirm their power.
A human and economic deprivation that has not prevented the people of these places from enhancing their pristine and wonderful environment, with the trails representing their pride and joy (in addition to the annual cultural events organized by the Association).
The trails of Deserta Langarum have a winning feature, they all start from a single point: the “Pietra dell’Appuntamento nei Boschi” (“The Meeting Stone in the Woods”), a small “rounded obelisk” located just outside the town of Torresina, along the provincial road 352 in the direction of Igliano. Next to the Pietra, which celebrates the birth date of the Association of the same name, the signs show 5 paths, each one distinguished by a color and dedicated to a different theme: the Art trail, the Culture trail, the History trail, the Nature trail and the toughest and longest path, Val Cusina, all facing the valley of the Cusina River, alternating roads that go up and down, between the high hills and the mysterious ravines of the river.
It is impossible to get lost because the paths are all marked with signage: colored poles and precise indications can be found at every turn. For those who like to come prepared, a Pdf file can be downloaded from the website, containing detailed information about the trail, as well as the GPS track.
Discover and download the trail maps from the website
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Post a cura della Redazione di Langa del Sole