LANGA DEL SOLE is a local development program, aimed at preserving and developing the High Langa. The main objective of this project is to promote the tangible and intangible heritage of the deep Langa, through specific actions directed at creating a concrete and integrated system of recommendations which can be turned into actual experiences and activities.
Big and small
It is Langa del Sole’s duty to unite «macro» and «micro» dimensions of the High Langa within a coherent narrative: the country’s local dimension and cultural landscape, the collective consciousness and social practices, outdoor tourism and cycling tourism network, traditions and particular stories. Langa del Sole is also a local system of shared actions aimed at increasing the citizens’ awareness of and participation in their own territory. 19 Municipalities of the High Langa actively participate to this project – together for the first time – with the desire to represent a unique and identifying territory.

Langa del Sole is a development project with direct consequences on the image of the High Langa, a territory to which touristic and communication projects tightly connected to the concept of «cultural landscape» can be traced. But, most of all, Langa del Sole is a project of the Langa for the Langa. It is directed to those who are interested in creating a coherent and interloped narrative route of experiences related to the High Langa: nature, the touristic and cycling tourism network, outdoor activities, historical, cultural and landscape analysis.
Langa del Sole is a project shared by 19 Municipalities and the Fondazione CRC, with the support of institutions, associations, consortia and stakeholders. It is based in the collaboration between local administrations on an element of great strategic value: the narration of the cultural landscape of the deep Langa, particularly the ridge linking Diano d’Alba to Paroldo.
Langa del Sole promotes and supports the implementation of concrete actions within the High Langa territory: they include initiatives for the preservation and development of locations and strategic routes of the «cultural landscape» of the Langhe.
Langa del Sole wants to encourage the emergence of new professionals and start-ups working towards the enhancement and consolidation of touristic and cultural services related to the project.
One of Langa del Sole’s characteristics is its scalability. Starting from a series of concrete actions, the project lives on and increases its effectiveness as the number of initiatives, collaborations and contributions to the creation of a shared image of the High Langa, as well as the number of local activities, grow.
Langa del Sole wants to provide citizens and visitors with multimedia narrative tools that will shape and revive the image of the High Langa, encouraging an individual reconstruction of the materials at hand so that everyone can build their own, unique and authentic «landscape experience». Adopting the concept of an interloped view – referring to the potential of a landscape to offer infinite and overlapping points of view – Langa del Sole has created a two-level narrative: DIORAMA–INFORAMA
Dioramas are an immersive multimedia environment – with controlled access – within which it is possible to experience the cultural landscape of the Langa del Sole. Located in strategic points of the territory, they represent the complex nature and the overall view of the project Langa del Sole. An example of a Diorama is that of the “Suggestioni”, installed at the Spianamento di San Sebastiano, in Diano d’Alba.
On the other hand, Inforamas are entry points to the Langa del Sole in which information and prospects are the most important elements. They are a sort of “panoramic windows” scattered along the trail located on the ridge aimed at providing information and documents on tourism, culture, history and landscapes. The project aims to install Inforamas in the following areas of the deep Langa: Ianua editi loci, Museo Conti Rangone di Montelupo Albese, Districtus albensis, Serralunga d’Alba, Langa profonda di Paco, Censa di San Benedetto Belbo, Langa interna, Ex Monastero Benedettino di Castino, Alti pascoli, Museo Etnografico della Pecora di Paroldo
Langa del Sole carries out activities related to promotion, training and development of tangible and intangible assets of the territory through individual in-depth studies and research to be presented in collaboration with the project partners, with specific content to be shared online.
Langa del Sole lives on thanks to communicative efforts and tools: with these, it creates the narrative of its cultural landscape through online (Website and Social Network) and offline (Inforama-Diorama system, brand manual, logo, physical maps to be used to explore the territory, informative videos and printed material) instruments.

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